I decided to put together a simple block test rather than a storyboard, as for my project it is easier and gets the information across better. The block test shows how the camera moves through from one environment to the next, although the composition and timing is not final, this is just an initial test. It flagged up some very important problems, mainly the issue of perspective when working in 3D. Getting a nice angle when travelling up the stairs was particularly challenging, and I would still like to push it more as at the moment it is still quite boring. The camera moving through the trees in the forest works well, although I need to experiment with scale to make the environment feel bigger. I also need to decide how I am going to handle the transition from the thorns to the castle, at the moment I can think of two options:
1. I could build another environment which will lead up to the castle
2. I could cheat by having the thorns fill up the screen entirely, then having a small section of the castle appear through a gap in the thorns (similar to the block test)
To decide which of these will work better I really need to think about the composition of my shots in terms of foreground, middleground, and background, as so far I have not given much thought to matte paintings or any background elements. After I've done that I can create another more detailed block test which should help solve these issues.
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